You, Divine
A Poetry Collection

 “May you find the courage to be weak. Understand that strength also lies in your ability to lie broken on the floor, frolicking in a pool of tears you’ve mustered to let flow - Break down.” — Excerpt from 56. Catharsis

After a long time of tossing up between “Should I” or “Should I not”, You, Divine: A Poetry Collection is finally out with its digital version - making it more accessible for anyone who would like to consume, indulge and devour. Immerse yourself in a tsunami of words made to titillate your senses in every way possible, wherever and whenever.

Pay What You Can and grab your copy today.
You can read more about this system in the section below.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you for supporting my work.

Until next time,

  • This payment system is built on trust. Ever since I’ve heard of this system, I’ve been wanting to launch it to make my work more accessible for everyone. The minimum option is there for those without the means to pay more. No matter what you pay, you will receive the same quality of work. Keep in mind that this is a self-funded and self-published work and every dollar you contribute gives me the space to create more. So from the bottom of my heart, thank you for your support. It means the world to me.

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